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  • CVE-2020-0796 Windows SMBv3 LPE Exploit POC 分析



    0x00 漏洞背景

    2020年3月12日微软确认在Windows 10最新版本中存在一个影响SMBv3协议的严重漏洞,并分配了CVE编号CVE-2020-0796,该漏洞可能允许攻击者在SMB服务器或客户端上远程执行代码,3月13日公布了可造成BSOD的poc,3月30日公布了可本地特权提升的poc, 这里我们来分析一下本地特权提升的poc。

    0x01 漏洞利用原理


    0x02 获取Token



    0x03 压缩数据

    接下来poc会调用RtCompressBuffer来压缩一段数据,通过发送这段压缩数据到SMB服务器,SMB服务器将会在内核利用这个token偏移,而这段数据是'A'*0x1108+ (ktoken + 0x40)


    0x04 调试

    我们先来进行调试,首先因为这里是整数溢出漏洞,在srv2!Srv2DecompressData函数这里将会因为加法0xffff ffff + 0x10 = 0xf导致整数溢出,并且进入srvnet!SrvNetAllocateBuffer分配一个较小的内存。

    在进入了srvnet!SmbCompressionDecompress然后进入nt!RtlDecompressBufferEx2继续进行解压,最后进入函数nt!PoSetHiberRange,再开始进行解压运算,通过OriginalSize= 0xffff ffff与刚开始整数溢出分配的UnCompressBuffer存储数据的内存地址相加得一个远远大于限制范围的地址,将会造成拷贝溢出。


    虽然拷贝没有溢出,但是却把这片内存的其他变量给覆盖了,包括srv2!Srv2DecompressDatade的返回值, nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag分配了一个结构体来存储有关解压的信息与数据,存储解压数据的偏移相对于UnCompressBuffer_address是固定的0x60,而返回值相对于UnCompressBuffer_address偏移是固定的0x1150,也就是说存储UnCompressBuffer的地址相对于返回值的偏移是0x10f0,而存储offset数据的地址是0x1168,相对于存储解压数据地址的偏移是0x1108

    有一个问题是为什么是固定的值,因为在这次传入的OriginalSize= 0xffff ffffoffset=0x10,乘法整数溢出为0xf,而在srvnet! SrvNetAllocateBuffer中,对于传入的大小0xf做了判断,小于0x1100的时候将会传入固定的值0x1100作为后面结构体空间的内存分配值进行相应运算。

    然后回到解压数据这里,需解压数据的大小是0x13,解压将会正常进行,拷贝了0x1108 个'A'后,将会把8字节大小token+0x40的偏移地址拷贝到'A'的后面。



    0x05 提权



    在windbg中可运行kd> dt _token的命令查看其结构体:

    所以修改_SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES的值可以开启禁用, 同时修改PresentEnabledSYSTEM进程令牌具有的所有特权的值0x1FF2FF00BC,之后权限设置为:






    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:漏洞分析 | Tags:
  • CVE-2020-0796 Windows SMBv3 LPE Exploit POC Analysis


    Author:SungLin@Knownsec 404 Team 
    Time: April 2, 2020 
    Chinese version:

    0x00 Background

    On March 12, 2020, Microsoft confirmed that a critical vulnerability affecting the SMBv3 protocol exists in the latest version of Windows 10, and assigned it with CVE-2020-0796, which could allow an attacker to remotely execute the code on the SMB server or client. On March 13 they announced the poc that can cause BSOD, and on March 30, the poc that can promote local privileges was released . Here we analyze the poc that promotes local privileges.

    0x01 Exploit principle

    The vulnerability exists in the srv2.sys driver. Because SMB does not properly handle compressed data packets, the function Srv2DecompressData is called when processing the decompressed data packets. The compressed data size of the compressed data header, OriginalCompressedSegmentSize and Offset, is not checked for legality, which results in the addition of a small amount of memory. SmbCompressionDecompress can be used later for data processing. Using this smaller piece of memory can cause copy overflow or out-of-bounds access. When executing a local program, you can obtain the current offset address of the token + 0x40 of the local program that is sent to the SMB server by compressing the data. After that, the offset address is in the kernel memory that is copied when the data is decompressed, and the token is modified in the kernel through a carefully constructed memory layout to enhance the permissions.

    0x02 Get Token

    Let's analyze the code first. After the POC program establishes a connection with smb, it will first obtain the Token of this program by calling the function OpenProcessToken. The obtained Token offset address will be sent to the SMB server through compressed data to be modified in the kernel driver. Token is the offset address of the handle of the process in the kernel. TOKEN is a kernel memory structure used to describe the security context of the process, including process token privilege, login ID, session ID, token type, etc.

    Following is the Token offset address obtained by my test.

    0x03 Compressed Data

    Next, poc will call RtCompressBuffer to compress a piece of data. By sending this compressed data to the SMB server, the SMB server will use this token offset in the kernel, and this piece of data is 'A' * 0x1108 + (ktoken + 0x40).

    The length of the compressed data is 0x13. After this compressed data is removed except for the header of the compressed data segment, the compressed data will be connected with two identical values 0x1FF2FF00BC, and these two values will be the key to elevation.

    0x04 debugging

    Let's debug it first, because here is an integer overflow vulnerability. In the function srv2! Srv2DecompressData, an integer overflow will be caused by the multiplication 0xffff ffff * 0x10 = 0xf, and a smaller memory will be allocated in srvnet! SrvNetAllocateBuffer.

    After entering srvnet! SmbCompressionDecompress and nt! RtlDecompressBufferEx2 to continue decompression, then entering the function nt! PoSetHiberRange, and then starting the decompression operation, adding OriginalMemory = 0xffff ffff to the memory address of the UnCompressBuffer storage data allocated by the integer overflow just started Get an address far larger than the limit, it will cause copy overflow.

    But the size of the data we need to copy at the end is 0x1108, so there is still no overflow, because the real allocated data size is 0x1278, when entering the pool memory allocation through srvnet! SrvNetAllocateBuffer, finally enter srvnet! SrvNetAllocateBufferFromPool to call nt! ExAllocatePoolWithTag to allocate pool memory.

    Although the copy did not overflow, it did overwrite other variables in this memory, including the return value of srv2! Srv2DecompressDatade. The UnCompressBuffer_addressis fixed at 0x60, and the return value relative to the UnCompressBuffer_address offset is fixed at 0x1150, which means that the offset to store the address of the UnCompressBuffer relative to the return value is 0x10f0, and the address to store the offset data is 0x1168, relative to the storage decompression Data address offset is 0x1108.

    There is a question why it is a fixed value, because the OriginalSize = 0xffff ffff, offset = 0x10 passed in this time, the multiplication integer overflow is 0xf, and in srvnet! SrvNetAllocateBuffer, the size of the passed in 0xf is judged, which is less At 0x1100, a fixed value of 0x1100 will be passed in as the memory allocation value of the subsequent structure space for the corresponding operation, and when the value is greater than 0x1100, the size passed in will be used.

    Then return to the decompressed data. The size of the decompressed data is 0x13. The decompression will be performed normally. Copy 0x1108of "A", the offset address of the 8-byte token + 0x40 will be copied to the back of "A".

    After decompression and copying the decompressed data to the address that was initially allocated, exit the decompression function normally, and then call memcpy for the next data copy. The key point is that rcx now becomes the address of token + 0x40of the local program!!!

    After the decompression, the distribution of memory data is 0x1100 ('A') + Token = 0x1108, and then the function srvnet! SrvNetAllocateBuffer is called to return the memory address we need, and the address of v8 is just the initial memory offset 0x10f0, so v8 + 0x18 = 0x1108, the size of the copy is controllable, and the offset size passed in is 0x10. Finally, memcpy is called to copy the source address to the compressed data0x1FF2FF00BC to the destination address 0xffff9b893fdc46f0 (token + 0x40), the last 16 Bytes will be overwritten, the value of the token is successfully modified.

    0x05 Elevation

    The value that is overwritten is two identical 0x1FF2FF00BC. Why use two identical values to overwrite the offset of token + 0x40? This is one of the methods for operating the token in the windows kernel to enhance the authority. Generally, there are two methods.

    The first method is to directly overwrite the Token. The second method is to modify the Token. Here, the Token is modified.

    In windbg, you can run the kd> dt _token command to view its structure.

    So modify the value of _SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES to enable or disable it, and change the values of Present and Enabled to all privileges of the SYSTEM process token 0x1FF2FF00BC, and then set the permission to:

    This successfully elevated the permissions in the kernel, and then execute any code by injecting regular shellcode into the windows process "winlogon.exe":

    Then it performed the action of the calculator as follows:

    Reference link:



    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:漏洞分析 | Tags:
  • Nexus Repository Manager 3 Several Expression Parsing Vulnerabilities


    Author:Longofo@ Knownsec 404 Team 
    Time: April 8, 2020 
    Chinese version:

    Nexus Repository Manager 3 recently exposed two El expression parsing vulnerabilities, cve-2020-10199 and cve-2020-10204, both of which are found by GitHub security Lab team's @pwntester. I didn't track the vulnerability of nexus3 before, so diff had a headache at that time. In addition, the nexus3 bug and security fix are all mixed together, which makes it harder to guess the location of the vulnerability. Later, I reappeared cve-2020-10204 with @r00t4dm, cve-2020-10204 is a bypass of cve-2018-16621. After that, others reappeared cve-2020-10199. The root causes of these three vulnerabilities are the same. In fact, there are more than these three. The official may have fixed several such vulnerabilities. Since history is not easy to trace back, it is only a possibility. Through the following analysis, we can see it. There is also the previous CVE-2019-7238, this is a jexl expression parsing, I will analyze it together here, explain the repair problems to it. I have seen some analysis before, the article said that this vulnerability was fixed by adding a permission. Maybe it was really only a permission at that time, but the newer version I tested, adding the permission seems useless. In the high version of Nexus3, the sandbox of jexl whitelist has been used.

    Test Environment

    Three Nexus3 environments will be used in this article:

    • nexus-3.14.0-04
    • nexus-3.21.1-01
    • nexus-3.21.2-03

    nexus-3.14.0-04 is used to test jexl expression parsing, nexus-3.21.1-01 is used to test jexl expression parsing and el expression parsing and diff, nexus-3.21.2-03 is used to test el expression Analysis and diff.

    Vulnerability diff

    The repair limit of CVE-2020-10199 and CVE-2020-10204 vulnerabilities is 3.21.1 and 3.21.2, but the github open source code branch does not seem to correspond, so I have to download the compressed package for comparison. The official download of nexus-3.21.1-01 and nexus-3.21.2-03, but beyond comparison requires the same directory name, the same file name, and some files for different versions of the code are not the same. I first decompiled all the jar packages in the corresponding directory, and then used a script to replace all the files in nexus-3.21.1-01 directory and the file name with 3.21.1-01 to 3.21.2-03, and deleted the META folder, this folder is not useful for the vulnerability diff and affects the diff analysis, so it has been deleted. The following is the effect after processing:

    If you have not debugged and familiar with the previous Nexus 3 vulnerabilities, it may be headache to look at diff. There is no target diff.

    Routing and corresponding processing class

    General routing

    Grab the packet sent by nexus3, random, you can see that most requests are POST type, URI is /service/extdirect:

    The content of the post is as follows:

    We can look at other requests. In post json, there are two keys: action and method. Search for the keyword "coreui_Repository" in the code:

    We can see this, expand and look at the code:

    The action is injected through annotations, and the method "getBrowseableFormats" in the post above is also included, the corresponding method is injected through annotations:

    So after such a request,It is very easy to locate routing and corresponding processing class.

    API routing

    The Nexus3 API also has a vulnerability. Let's see how to locate the API route. In the admin web page, we can see all the APIs provided by Nexus3:

    look at the package, there are GET, POST, DELETE, PUT and other types of requests:

    Without the previous action and method, we use URI to locate it, but direct search of /service/rest/beta/security/content-selectors cannot be located, so shorten the keyword and use /beta/security/content-selectors to locate:

    Inject URI through @Path annotation, the corresponding processing method also uses the corresponding @GET, @POST to annotate.

    There are may be other types of routing, but you can also use a similar search method to locate. There is also the permission problem of Nexus. You can see that some of the above requests set the permissions through @RequiresPermissions, but the actual test permissions are still prevailing. Some permissions are also verified before arrival. Some operations are on the admin page, but it may not require admin permissions, may be no need permissions or only ordinary permissions.

    Several Java EL vulnerabilities caused by buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate

    After debugging CVE-2018-16621 and CVE-2020-10204, I feel that the keyword buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate can be used as the root cause of this vulnerability, because the call stack shows that the function call is on the boundary between the Nexus package and the hibernate-validator package, and the pop-up of the calculator is also after it enters the processing flow of hibernate-validator, that is, buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate (xxx) .addConstraintViolation (), and finally expressed in the ElTermResolver class in the hibernate-validator package through valueExpression.getValue (context) :

    So I decompile all jar packages of Nexus3, and then search for this keyword (use the repair version search, mainly to see if there are any missing areas that are not repaired; Nexue3 has some open source code, you can also search directly in the source code):

    Later I saw the Vulnerability Analysis published by the author, indeed used buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate as the source of the vulnerability , use this key point to do tracking analysis.

    As can be seen from the search results above, the three CVE key points caused by the el expression are also among them, and there are several other places, a few used this.getEscapeHelper().StripJavaEl , There are a few, it seems ok, a ecstasy in my heart? However, although several other places that have not been cleared and can be accessed by routing, they cannot be used. One of them will be selected for analysis later. So at the beginning, I said that the official may have fixed several similar places. I guess there are two possibilities:

    • Officials have noticed that there are also el parsing vulnerabilities in those places, so they did a cleanup.
    • There are other vulnerability discoverers who submitted the cleared vulnerability points, because those places can be used; but the uncleared places cannot be used, so the discoverers did not submit, and the official did not go do clear

    However, I feel that the latter possibility is more likely. After all, it is unlikely that the official will clear some places, and some places will not do it.

    CVE-2018-16621 analysis

    This vulnerability corresponds to the above search result is RolesExistValidator. Since the key point is searched, I will manually reverse the traceback to see if it can be traced back to the place where there is routing processing. Here is a simple search traceback.

    The key point is isValid in RolesExistValidator, which calls buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate. Search if there is a place to call RolesExistValidator:

    There is a call in RolesExist, this way of writing will generally use RolesExist as a comment, and will call RolesExistValidator.isValid () during verification. Continue to search for RolesExist:

    There are several places that directly use RolesExist to annotate the roles attribute. We can go back one by one, but according to the Role keyword, RoleXO is more likely, so look at this (UserXO is also), continue to search for RoleXO:

    There may be some other disturbances, such as the first red label RoleXOResponse, this can be ignored, we find the place to use RoleXO directly. In RoleComponent, if you see the second red annotation, you probably know that you can enter the route here. The third red annotation uses roleXO and has the roles keyword. RolesExist also annotates roles above, so the guess is attribute injection to roleXO. The decompiled code in some places is not easy to understand, you can look at the source code:

    It can be seen that the submitted parameters are injected into roleXO, and the route corresponding to RoleComponent is as follows:

    Through the above analysis, we probably know that we can enter the final RolesExistValidator, but there are may be many conditions to be met in the middle, we need to construct the payload and then measure it step by step. The location of the web page corresponding to this route is as follows:

    Test (the 3.21.1 version used here, CVE-2018-16621 is the previous vulnerability, which was fixed earlier in 3.21.1, but 3.21.1 was bypassed again, so the following is the bypass situation, will$Is replaced with$ \\ x to bypass):

    Repair method:

    Added getEscapeHelper (). StripJavaEL to clear the el expression, replacing$ {with{, the next two CVEs are bypassing this fix:

    CVE-2020-10204 analysis

    This is the bypass of the previous stripJavaEL repair mentioned above, and it will not be analyzed here. The use of the $\\x{ format will not be replaced (tested with version 3.21.1):

    CVE-2020-10199 analysis

    This vulnerability corresponds to ConstraintViolationFactory in the search results above:

    buildConstraintViolationWith (label 1) appears in the isValid of HelperValidator class (label 2), HelperValidator is annotated on HelperAnnotation (label 3, 4), HelperAnnotation is annotated on HelperBean (label 5), on ConstraintViolationFactory.createViolation HelperBean (labels 6, 7) is used in the method. Follow this idea to find the place where ConstraintViolationFactory.createViolation is called.

    Let's also go back to the manual reverse trace to see if we can trace back to where there is routing.

    Search ConstraintViolationFactory:

    There are several, here uses the first BowerGroupRepositoriesApiResource analysis, click to see that we can see that it is an API route:

    ConstraintViolationFactory was passed to super, and other functions of ConstraintViolationFactory were not called in BowerGroupRepositoriesApiResource, but its two methods also called super corresponding methods. Its super is AbstractGroupRepositoriesApiResource class:

    The super called in the BowerGroupRepositoriesApiResource constructor assigns ConstraintViolationFactory (label 1) in AbstractGroupRepositoriesApiResource, the use of ConstraintViolationFactory (label 2), and calls createViolation (we can see the memberNames parameter), which is needed to reach the vulnerability point. This call is in validateGroupMembers (label 3). The call to validateGroupMembers is called in both createRepository (label 4) and updateRepository (label 5), and these two methods can also be seen from the above annotations that they are routing methods.

    The route of BowerGroupRepositoriesApiResource is /beta/repositories/bower/group, find it in the admin page APIs to make a call (use 3.21.1 test):

    Several other subclasses of AbstractGroupRepositoriesApiResource are the same:

    CleanupPolicyAssetNamePatternValidator does not do cleanup point analysis

    Corresponding to the CleanupPolicyAssetNamePatternValidator in the search results above, we can see that there is no StripEL removal operation here:

    This variable is thrown into buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate through an error report. If the error message contains the value, then it can be used here.

    Search CleanupPolicyAssetNamePatternValidator:

    Used in CleanupPolicyAssetNamePattern class annotation, continue to search for CleanupPolicyAssetNamePattern:

    The attribute regex in CleanupPolicyCriteria is annotated by CleanupPolicyAssetNamePattern, and continue to search for CleanupPolicyCriteria:

    Called in the toCleanupPolicy method in CleanupPolicyComponent, where cleanupPolicyXO.getCriteria also happens to be CleanupPolicyCriteria object. toCleanupPolicy calls toCleanupPolicy in the createup and previewCleanup methods of the CleanupPolicyComponent that can be accessed through routing.

    Construct the payload test:

    However, it cannot be used here, and the value value will not be included in the error message. After reading RegexCriteriaValidator.validate, no matter how it is constructed, it will only throw a character in the value, so it cannot be used here.

    Similar to this is the CronExpressionValidator, which also throws an exception there, it can be used, but it has been fixed, and someone may have submitted it before. There are several other places that have not been cleared,but either skipped by if or else, or cannot be used.

    The way of manual backtracking search may be okay if there are not many places where the keyword is called, but if it is used a lot, it may not be so easy to deal with. However, for the above vulnerabilities, we can see that it is still feasible to search through manual backtracking.

    Vulnerabilities caused by JXEL (CVE-2019-7238)

    we can refer to @iswin's previous analysis, here is no longer going Debugging screenshots. Here I want to write down the previous fix for this vulnerability, saying that it was added with permission to fix it. If only the permission is added, can it still be submitted? However, after testing version 3.21.1, even with admin permissions can not be used, I want to see if it can be bypassed. Tested in 3.14.0, it is indeed possible:

    But in 3.21.1, even if the authority is added, it will not work. Later, I debug and compare separately, and pass the following test:

    I learned that 3.14.0 and the above test used org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.introspection.Uberspect processing, and its getMethod method is as follows:

    In 3.21.1, Nexus is set to org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.introspection.SandboxJexlUberspect, this SandboxJexlUberspect, its getMethod method is as follows:

    It can be seen that only a limited number of methods of type String, Map, and Collection are allowed.


    • After reading the above content, I believe that we have a general understanding of the Nexus3 loopholes, and you will no longer feel that you can't start. Try to look at other places, for example, there is an LDAP in the admin page, which can be used for jndi connect operation, but the context.getAttribute is called there. Although the class file will be requested remotely, the class will not be loaded, so there is no harm.
    • The root cause of some vulnerabilities may appear in a similar place in an application, just like the keyword buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate above, good luck maybe a simple search can encounter some similar vulnerabilities (but my luck looks bad Click, we can see the repair in some places through the above search, indicating that someone has already taken a step forward, directly called buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate and the available places seem to be gone)
    • Look closely at the payloads of the above vulnerabilities, it seems that the similarity is very high, so we can get a tool similar to fuzz parameters to collect the historical vulnerability payload of this application, each parameter can test the corresponding payload, good luck may be Hit some similar vulnerabilities.


    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:漏洞分析 | Tags:
  • Nexus Repository Manager 3 几次表达式解析漏洞



    Nexus Repository Manager 3最近曝出两个el表达式解析漏洞,编号为CVE-2020-10199CVE-2020-10204,都是由Github Secutiry Lab团队的@pwntester发现。由于之前Nexus3的漏洞没有去跟踪,所以当时diff得很头疼,并且Nexus3 bug与安全修复都是混在一起,更不容易猜到哪个可能是漏洞位置了。后面与@r00t4dm师傅一起复现出了CVE-2020-10204CVE-2020-10204CVE-2018-16621的绕过,之后又有师傅弄出了CVE-2020-10199,这三个漏洞的根源是一样的,其实并不止这三处,官方可能已经修复了好几处这样的漏洞,由于历史不太好追溯回去,所以加了可能,通过后面的分析,就能看到了。还有之前的CVE-2019-7238,这是一个jexl表达式解析,一并在这里分析下,以及对它的修复问题,之前看到有的分析文章说这个漏洞是加了个权限来修复,可能那时是真的只加了个权限吧,不过我测试用的较新的版本,加了权限貌似也没用,在Nexus3高版本已经使用了jexl白名单的沙箱。



    • nexus-3.14.0-04
    • nexus-3.21.1-01
    • nexus-3.21.2-03



















    buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate造成的几次Java EL漏洞





    • 官方自己察觉到了那几个地方也会存在el解析漏洞,所以做了清除
    • 有其他漏洞发现者提交了那几个做了清除的漏洞点,因为那几个地方可以利用;但是没清除的那几个地方由于没法利用,所以发现者并没有提交,官方也没有去做清除































    CleanupPolicyComponent中的to CleanupPolicy方法中有调用,其中的cleanupPolicyXO.getCriteria也正好是CleanupPolicyCriteria对象。toCleanupPolicy在CleanupPolicyComponent的可通过路由进入的create、previewCleanup方法又调用了toCleanupPolicy









    而在3.21.1中Nexus设置的是org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.introspection.SandboxJexlUberspect,这个SandboxJexlUberspect,它的get Method方法如下:



    • 看完上面的内容,相信对Nexus3的漏洞大体有了解了,不会再无从下手的感觉。尝试看下下其他地方,例如后台有个LDAP,可进行jndi connect操作,不过那里调用的是context.getAttribute,虽然会远程请求class文件,不过并不会加载class,所以并没有危害。
    • 有的漏洞的根源点可能会在一个应用中出现相似的地方,就像上面那个buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate这个keyword一样,运气好说不定一个简单的搜索都能碰到一些相似漏洞(不过我运气貌似差了点,通过上面的搜索可以看到某些地方的修复,说明已经有人先行一步了,直接调用了buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate并且可用的地方似乎已经没有了)
    • 仔细看下上面几个漏洞的payload,好像相似度很高,所以可以弄个类似fuzz参数的工具,搜集这个应用的历史漏洞payload,每个参数都可以测试下对应的payload,运气好可能会撞到一些相似漏洞


    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:漏洞分析 | Tags:
  • Hessian 反序列化及相关利用链



    前不久有一个关于Apache Dubbo Http反序列化的漏洞,本来是一个正常功能(通过正常调用抓包即可验证确实是正常功能而不是非预期的Post),通过Post传输序列化数据进行远程调用,但是如果Post传递恶意的序列化数据就能进行恶意利用。Apache Dubbo还支持很多协议,例如Dubbo(Dubbo Hessian2)、Hessian(包括Hessian与Hessian2,这里的Hessian2与Dubbo Hessian2不是同一个)、Rmi、Http等。Apache Dubbo是远程调用框架,既然Http方式的远程调用传输了序列化的数据,那么其他协议也可能存在类似问题,例如Rmi、Hessian等。@pyn3rd师傅之前在twiter发了关于Apache Dubbo Hessian协议的反序列化利用,Apache Dubbo Hessian反序列化问题之前也被提到过,这篇文章里面讲到了Apache Dubbo Hessian存在反序列化被利用的问题,类似的还有Apache Dubbo Rmi反序列化问题。之前也没比较完整的去分析过一个反序列化组件处理流程,刚好趁这个机会看看Hessian序列化、反序列化过程,以及marshalsec工具中对于Hessian的几条利用链。



    1. 基于Bean属性访问机制
    2. 基于Field机制
    • SnakeYAML
    • jYAML
    • YamlBeans
    • Apache Flex BlazeDS
    • Red5 IO AMF
    • Jackson
    • Castor
    • Java XMLDecoder
    • ...



    基于Field机制是通过特殊的native(native方法不是java代码实现的,所以不会像Bean机制那样调用getter、setter等更多的java方法)方法或反射(最后也是使用了native方式)直接对Field进行赋值操作的机制,不是通过getter、setter方式对属性赋值(下面某些处理器如果进行了特殊指定或配置也可支持Bean机制方式)。在ysoserial中的payload是基于原生Java Serialization,marshalsec支持多种,包括上面列出的和下面列出的。

    • Java Serialization
    • Kryo
    • Hessian
    • json-io
    • XStream
    • ...



    Hessian是二进制的web service协议,官方对Java、Flash/Flex、Python、C++、.NET C#等多种语言都进行了实现。Hessian和Axis、XFire都能实现web service方式的远程方法调用,区别是Hessian是二进制协议,Axis、XFire则是SOAP协议,所以从性能上说Hessian远优于后两者,并且Hessian的JAVA使用方法非常简单。它使用Java语言接口定义了远程对象,集合了序列化/反序列化和RMI功能。本文主要讲解Hessian的序列化/反序列化。

    下面做个简单测试下Hessian Serialization与Java Serialization:





    • Serializer:序列化的接口
    • Deserializer :反序列化的接口
    • AbstractHessianInput :hessian自定义的输入流,提供对应的read各种类型的方法
    • AbstractHessianOutput :hessian自定义的输出流,提供对应的write各种类型的方法
    • AbstractSerializerFactory
    • SerializerFactory :Hessian序列化工厂的标准实现
    • ExtSerializerFactory:可以设置自定义的序列化机制,通过该Factory可以进行扩展
    • BeanSerializerFactory:对SerializerFactory的默认object的序列化机制进行强制指定,指定为使用BeanSerializer对object进行处理

    Hessian Serializer/Derializer默认情况下实现了以下序列化/反序列化器,用户也可通过接口/抽象类自定义序列化/反序列化器:


    1. JavaSerializer:通过反射获取所有bean的属性进行序列化,排除static和transient属性,对其他所有的属性进行递归序列化处理(比如属性本身是个对象)
    2. BeanSerializer是遵循pojo bean的约定,扫描bean的所有方法,发现存在get和set方法的属性进行序列化,它并不直接直接操作所有的属性,比较温柔






    首先进入HessianInput.readObject(),读取tag类型标识符,由于Hessian序列化时将结果处理成了Map,所以第一个tag总是M(ascii 77):

    case 77这个处理中,读取了要反序列化的类型,接着调用this._serializerFactory.readMap(in,type)进行处理,默认情况下serializerFactory使用的Hessian标准实现SerializerFactory:




























    • Rome
    • XBean
    • Resin
    • SpringPartiallyComparableAdvisorHolder
    • SpringAbstractBeanFactoryPointcutAdvisor



    在marshalsec中有所有对应的Gadget Test,很方便:
























    Apache Dubbo反序列化简单分析

    Apache Dubbo Http反序列化

    先简单看下之前说到的HTTP问题吧,直接用官方提供的samples,其中有一个dubbo-samples-http可以直接拿来用,直接在DemoServiceImpl.sayHello方法中打上断点,在RemoteInvocationSerializingExporter.doReadRemoteInvocation中反序列化了数据,使用的是Java Serialization方式:

    抓包看下,很明显的ac ed标志:

    Apache Dubbo Dubbo反序列化

    同样使用官方提供的dubbo-samples-basic,默认Dubbo hessian2协议,Dubbo对hessian2进行了魔改,不过大体结构还是差不多,在MapDeserializer.readMap是依然与Hessian类似:




    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:技术分享 | Tags:
  • Hessian deserialization and related gadget chains


    Author:Longofo@Knownsec 404 Team 
    Time: February 20, 2020 
    Chinese version:

    Not long ago, there was a vulnerability about Apache Dubbo Http deserialization. It was originally a normal function (it can be verified that it is indeed a normal function instead of an unexpected Post by calling the packet capture normally),the serialized data is transmitted via Post for remote calls,but if Post passes malicious serialized data, it can be used maliciously. Apache Dubbo also supports many protocols, such as Dubbo (Dubbo Hessian2), Hessian (including Hessian and Hessian2, where Hessian2 and Dubbo Hessian2 are not same), Rmi, Http, etc. Apache Dubbo is a remote call framework. Since the remote call of Http mode transmits serialized data, other protocols may also have similar problems, such as Rmi, Hessian, etc. I haven't analyzed a deserialization component processing flow completely before, just take this opportunity to look at the Hessian serialization, deserialization process, and marshalsec Several gadget chains for Hessian in the tool.

    About serialization/deserialization mechanism

    Serialization/deserialization mechanism(also called marshalling/unmarshalling mechanism, marshalling/unmarshalling has a wider meaning than serialization/deserialization), refer to marshalsec.pdf, the serialization/deserialization mechanism can be roughly divided into two categories:

    • Based on Bean attribute access mechanism
    • Based on Field mechanism
    Based on Bean attribute access mechanism
    • SnakeYAML
    • jYAML
    • YamlBeans
    • Apache Flex BlazeDS
    • Red5 IO AMF
    • Jackson
    • Castor
    • Java XMLDecoder
    • ...

    The most basic difference between them is how to set the property value on the object. They have common points and also have their own unique processing methods. Some automatically call getter (xxx) and setter (xxx) to access object properties through reflection, and some need to call the default Constructor, and some processors (referring to those listed above) deserialized objects If some methods of the class object also meet certain requirements set by themselves, they will be automatically called. There also have a XML Decoder processor that can call any method of an object. When some processors support polymorphism, for example, a certain property of an object is of type Object, Interface, abstract, etc. In order to be completely restored during deserialization, specific type information needs to be written. At this time, you can specify For more classes, certain methods of concrete class objects are automatically called when deserializing to set the property values of these objects. The attack surface of this mechanism is larger than the attack surface based on the Field mechanism because they automatically call more methods and automatically call methods when they support polymorphic features than the Field mechanism.

    Based on Field mechanism

    The field-based mechanism is implemented by special native methods (native methods are not implemented in java code, so it won't call more java methods such as getter and setter like Bean mechanism.) are invoked like the Bean mechanism. The mechanism of the assignment operation is not to assign attributes to the property through getters and setters (some processors below can also support the Bean mechanism if they are specially specified or configured). The payload in ysoserial is based on Java Serialization. Marshalsec supports multiple types, including the ones listed above and the ones listed below:

    • Java Serialization
    • Kryo
    • Hessian
    • json-io
    • X Stream
    • ...

    As far as method made by objects are concerned, field-based mechanisms often do not constitute an attack surface. In addition, many collections, Maps, and other types cannot be transmitted/stored using their runtime representation(for example, Map, which stores information such as the hashcode of the object at runtime, but does not save this information when storing), which means All field-based marshallers bundle custom converters for certain types (for example, there is a dedicated MapSerializer converter in Hessian). These converters or their respective target types must usually call methods on the object provided by the attacker. For example, in Hessian, if the map type is deserialized, MapDeserializer is called to process the map. During this time, the map put method is called, it will calculate the hash of the recovered object and cause a hashcode call (here the call to the hashcode method is to say that the method on the object provided by the attacker must be called). According to the actual situation, the hashcode method may trigger subsequent other method calls .

    Hessian Introduction

    Hessian is a binary web service protocol. It has officially implemented multiple languages such as Java, Flash / Flex, Python, C ++, .NET C #, etc. Hessian, Axis, and XFire can implement remote method invocation of web services. The difference is that Hessian is a binary protocol and Axis and X Fire are SOAP protocols. Therefore, Hessian is far superior to the latter two in terms of performance, and Hessian JAVA is very simple to use. It uses the Java language interface to define remote objects and integrates serialization/deserialization and RMI functions. This article mainly explains serialization/deserialization of Hessian.

    Here is a simple test of Hessian Serialization and Java Serialization:

    The results are as follows:

    Through this test, it can be easily seen that Hessian deserialization takes less space than JDK deserialization results. Hessian serialization takes longer than JDK serialization, but Hessian deserialization is fast. And both are based on the Field mechanism, no getter and setter methods are called, and the constructor is not called during deserialization.

    Hessian concept map

    The following are the conceptual diagrams commonly used in the analysis of Hessian on the Internet. In the new version, these are the overall structures, and I Just use it directly:

    • Serializer: Serialized interface
    • Deserializer: deserializer interface
    • Abstract Hessian Input: Hessian custom input stream, providing corresponding read various types of methods
    • Abstract Hessian Output: Hessian custom output stream, providing corresponding write various types of methods
    • Abstract Serializer Factory
    • Serializer Factory: Standard implementation of Hessian serialization factory
    • ExtSerializer Factory: You can set a custom serialization mechanism, which can be extended through this Factory
    • Bean Serializer Factory: Force the serialization mechanism of the Serializer Factory's default object to be specified, and specify to use the Bean Serializer to process the object

    Hessian Serializer/Derializer implements the following serializers/deserializers by default. Users can also customize serializers/deserializers through interfaces/abstract classes:

    When serializing, it will select the corresponding serialization according to different types of objects and attributes for serialization; when deserializing, it will also select different deserializers according to different types of objects and attributes; each type of serializer also has specific Field Serializer. Note here that Java Serializer/Java Deserializer and Bean Serializer/Bean Deserializer are not type serializers/deserializers, but belong to mechanism serializers/deserializers:

    • Java Serializer: Get all bean properties for serialization by reflection, exclude static and transient properties, and perform recursive serialization on all other properties (such as the property itself is an object)
    • Bean Serializer follows the conventions of pojo beans, scans all the methods of the bean, and finds that the properties of the get and set methods are serialized. It does not directly manipulate all the properties, which is gentle.

    Hessian deserialization process

    Here a demo is used for debugging. The Student property contains String, int, List, Map, Object type properties, and the property setter and getter methods are added, as well as the read Resovle, finalize, to String, hash Code methods, and The output was carried out for easy observation. Although it will not cover all the logic of Hessian, we can roughly see its appearance:

    The following is the general appearance of Hessian's processing during deserialization drawn after debugging the above demo. (The picture is not clear, you can click this link):

    The following details are explained by debugging to some key positions.

    Get target type deserializer

    First enter Hessian Input,read Object () to read the tag type identifier. Since Hessian serializes the result into a Map, the first tag is always M (ascii 77):

    In the processing of case 77, the type to be deserialized is read, then this._serializerFactory.readMap (in, type)is called for processing. By default, Hessian standard used by _serializer Factory implements Serializer Factory:

    First get the corresponding Deserializer of this type, then call the corresponding Deserializer.readMap (in) for processing, and see how to get the corresponding Derserializer:

    The first red box mainly determines whether a deserializer of this type is cached in _cacheTypeDeserializerMap; the second red box mainly determines whether a deserializer of this type is cached in_staticTypeMap_staticTypeMap mainly stores the basic type and the corresponding deserializer; the third red box determines whether it is an array type, and if so, enters the array type processing; the fourth obtains the Class corresponding to the type, and enters this .getDeserializer(Class) gets the Deserializer corresponding to this class, this example enters the fourth:

    Here it again judged whether it is in the cache, but this time it used _cacheDeserializerMap, whose type is ConcurrentHashMap, and before that it was _cacheTypeDeserializerMap, and the type was HashMap. This may be to solve the problem of obtaining in multithread . This example enters the second this.loadDeserializer(Class):

    The first red box is to traverse the Serializer Factory set by the user and try to get the Serializer corresponding to the type from each factory; the second red box tries to get the Serializer corresponding to the type from the context factory; the third red box Try to create a context factory and try to get a custom deserializer of this type, and the deserializer corresponding to this type needs to be similar to xxxHessianDeserializer, where xxx indicates the class name of the type; the fourth red box is judged in turn, If not match, then use getDefaultDeserializer (Class),. This example is the fourth:

    _isEnableUnsafeSerializer is true by default. The determination of this value is first determined based on whether the the unsafe field of sun.misc.Unsafe is empty, and the unsafe field ofsun.misc.Unsafe is initialized in the static code block by default and Not empty, so it is true; then it will also be based on whether the system property com.caucho.hessian.unsafe is false. If it is false, the value determined by sun.misc.Unsafe is ignored, but the system property com. caucho.hessian.unsafe is null by default, so it won't replace the result of ture. Therefore, the value of _isEnableUnsafeSerializer is true by default, so the above figure defaults to the UnsafeDeserializer used, and enters its constructor.

    Get deserializer of each attribute of target type

    Here all the properties of the type are obtained and the corresponding FieldDeserializer is determined. It is also determined whether there is a ReadResolve () method in the class of the type. Let's first see how the type property and FieldDeserializer determine:

    Get the properties of this type and all parent classes, determine the FIeld Deserializer of the corresponding properties in turn, and the properties cannot be transient or static modified properties. The following is the Field Deserializer that determines the corresponding properties in turn. Some Field Deserializers are customized in Unsafe Deserializer.

    Determine if the target type has a read Resolve() method defined

    Then in the above Unsafe Deserializer constructor, it will also determine whether there is a readResolve() method in a class of this type:

    Iterate through all the methods in this class to determine if there is a readResolve() method.

    Okay, after that the acquired Deserializer are returned in the original way. In this example, the class uses Unsafe Deserializer, and then returns to SerializerFactory.readMap (in, type) and calls UnsafeDeserializer.readMap (in):

    So far, the deserializer UnsafeDeserializer of thecom.longofo.deserialize.Student class in this example is obtained, and the Field Serializer corresponding to each field is defined. At the same time, the readResolve() method is defined in the Student class, so got the readResolve()method of this class.

    Assigning object to target type

    Next, an object is assigned to the target type:

    An instance of this class is allocated via _unsafe.allocateInstance (classType). This method is a native method in sun.misc.Unsafe. Assigning an instance object to this class does not trigger a constructor call. The attributes are now just given the JDK default values.

    Recovery of target type object attribute values

    The next step is to restore the attribute values of the target type object:

    Into the loop, first call in.readObject () to get the attribute name from the input stream, then match the Field Deserizlizer corresponding to the attribute from the previously determined this._fieldMap, and then call Field Deserializer on the match to process. The serialized attributes in this example are inner Map (Map type), name (String type), id (int type), and friends (List type). Here we take the inner Map attribute recovery as an example.

    Take Inner Map attribute recovery as an example

    The Field Deserializer corresponding to the inner Map is UnsafeDeserializer$ ObjectFieldDeserializer:

    First call in.readObject (fieldClassType) to get the property value from the input stream, and then call _unsafe.putObject, the native method insun.misc.Unsafe, and will not trigger the getter and setter methods. Here's how to deal with in.readObject (fieldClassType):

    Here Map type uses Map Deserializer, correspondingly calling MapDeserializer.readMap (in)method to restore a Map object:

    Note the several judgments here. If it is a Map interface type, Hash Map is used. If it is a Sorted Map type, Tree Map is used. Other Maps will call the corresponding default constructor. In this example, because it is a Map interface type, Hash Map is used. Next comes the classic scenario. First use in.readObject() (this process is similar to the previous one and will not be repeated). The map's key and value objects in the serialized data are restored, and then call map.put (key, value), here is Hash Map, the put method of Hash Map will call hash(key) to trigger thekey.hashCode() method of key object, and put Val will be called in put method, and put Val will Call the key.equals (obj) method of the key object. After processing all keys and values, return to UnsafeDeserializer$ObjectFieldDeserializer:

    Use the native method _unsafe.putObject to complete the inner Map property assignment of the object.

    Analysis of several Hessian gadget chains

    In the marshalsec tool, there are several chains available for Hessian deserialization:

    • Rome
    • X Bean
    • Resin
    • Spring Partially Comparable Advisor Holder
    • Spring Abstract Bean Factory Pointcu tAdvisor

    Let‘s analyze two of them, Rome and Spring Partially Comparable Advisor Holder. Rome is triggered by HashMap.put->key.hashCode, and Spring Partially Comparable Advisor Holder is triggered by HashMap.put->key.equals. Several others are similar, either using hash Code or equals.


    There are all corresponding Gadget Tests in marshalsec, which is very convenient:

    To make it clearer, I extracted SpringPartiallyComparableAdvisorHolder gadget chain from marshalsec:

    Look at the following trigger process:

    After HessianInput.readObject(), it comes to MapDeserializer.readMap (in) to process Map type attributes, which triggers HashMap.put (key, value):

    HashMap.put has called theHashMap.putVal method, and the key.equals(k) method will be triggered on the second put:

    At this time, key and k are as follows, both are Hot Swappable Target Source objects:

    Enter HotSwappableTargetSource.equals:

    In HotSwappableTargetSource.equals, the respective target.equals method is triggered, that is, XString.equals(PartiallyComparableAdvisorHolder):

    PartiallyComparableAdvisorHolder.toString is triggered here:

    Triggered AspectJPointcutAdvisor.getOrder:


    Here trigger BeanFactoryAspectInstanceFactory.getOrder:

    This triggered SimpleJndiBeanFactory.getTYpe->SimpleJndiBeanFactory.doGetType-> SimpleJndiBeanFactory.doGetSingleton->SimpleJndiBeanFactory.lookup-> JndiTemplate.lookup->Context.lookup:


    Rome is relatively simple to trigger:

    Like above, I extracted the gadget chain:

    Take a look at the trigger process:

    Then called the hash method, which called the key.hashCode method:

    Then EqualsBean.hashCode-> EqualsBean.beanHashCode is triggered:

    Triggered ToStringBean.toString:

    This calls JdbcRowSetImpl.getDatabaseMetadata, which triggersJdbcRowSetImpl.connect-> context.lookup:


    As can be seen from the above two chains, when Hessian deserialization basically uses deserialization to process the Map type, the call Map.put->Map.putVal-> key.hashCode / key.equals-> ... will be triggered, the subsequent series of starting processes are also related to polymorphic characteristics. Some class attributes are of type Object, which can be set to any class, and the hash Code and equals methods just call Certain methods of properties carry out a subsequent series of triggers. So to find such a gadget chain, we can directly find the classes with hash Code, equals, and read Resolve methods, and then people judge and construct, but this workload should be heavy; or use some chain mining tools, write rules to scan as needed.

    Simple analysis of Apache Dubbo deserialization

    Apache Dubbo Http deserialization

    Let's take a brief look at the HTTP problem mentioned earlier, and directly use the official samples, there is a dubbo-samples-http which can be used directly, put a breakpoint directly in the DemoServiceImpl.sayHello method, and deserialize the data in RemoteInvocationSerializingExporter.doReadRemoteInvocation, using Java Serialization:

    Looking at the packet, the obvious ac ed flag:

    Apache Dubbo Dubbo deserialization

    Also use the official Dubbo-samples-basic, the default Dubbo hessian2 protocol, Dubbo has magically modified the hessian2, but the general structure is still similar, in MapDeserializer.readMap is still similar to Hessian:




    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:技术分享 | Tags:
  • CVE-2020-3119 Cisco CDP 协议栈溢出漏洞分析



    Cisco Discovery Protocol(CDP)协议是用来发现局域网中的Cisco设备的链路层协议。

    最近Cisco CDP协议爆了几个漏洞,挑了个栈溢出的CVE-2020-3119先来搞搞,Armis Labs也公开了他们的分析Paper。



    3119这个CVE影响的是Cisco NX-OS类型的设备,去Cisco的安全中心找了下这个CVE,搜搜受影响的设备。发现受该漏洞影响的设备都挺贵的,也不好买,所以暂时没办法真机测试研究了。随后搜了一下相关设备的固件,需要氪金购买。然后去万能的淘宝搜了下,有代购业务,有的买五六十(亏),有的卖十几块。







    首先我们需要下载安全GNS3软件,然后还需要下载GNS3 VM。个人电脑上装个GNS3提供了可视化操作的功能,算是总控。GNS3 VM是作为GNS3的服务器,可以在本地用虚拟机跑起来,也可以放远程。GNS3仿真的设备都是在GNS3服务器上运行起来的。

    1.首先设置好GNS3 VM


    3.选择交换机 Cisco NX-OSv 9000


    随后就是把相应版本的固件导入到GNS3 Server。



    这里说明一下,Toolbox是我自己添加的一个ubuntu docker模板。最开始我是使用docker和交换机设备的任意一张网卡相连来进行操作测试的。

    不过随后我发现,GNS3还提供的了一个功能,也就是图中的Cloud1,它可以代表你宿主机/GNS3 Server中的任意一张网卡。









    经过研究,发现该设备的结构是,qemu启动了一个bootloader,然后在bootloader的文件系统里面有一个nxos.9.2.3.bin文件,该文件就是该设备的主体固件。启动以后是一个Linux系统,在Linux系统中又启动了一个虚拟机guestshell,还有一个vsh.bin。在该设备中,用vsh替代了我们平常使用Linux时使用的bash。我们telnet连进来后,看到的就是vsh界面。在vsh命令中可以设置开启telnet/ssh,还可以进入Linux shell。但是进入的是guestshell虚拟机中的Linux系统。

    本次研究的cdp程序是无法在虚拟机guestshell中看到的。经过后续研究,发现vsh中存在python命令,而这个python是存在于Cisco宿主机中的nxpython程序。所以可以同python来获取到Cisco宿主机的Linux shell。然后通过mac地址找到你在GNS3中设置连接的网卡,进行ip地址的设置。


    之后可以把ubuntu虚拟机上的公钥放到cisoc设备的/root/.ssh/authorized_keys,然后就能通过ssh连接到了cisco的bash shell上面。该设备的Linux系统自带程序挺多的,比如后续调试的要使用的gdbserver。nxpython还装了scapy。


    接下来我们来研究一下怎么发送cdp包,可以在Armis Labs发布的分析中看到cdp包格式,同样我们也能开启Cisco设备的cdp,查看Cisco设备发送的cdp包。





    下一步,就是研究怎么触发漏洞。首先,把cdpd从设备中给取出来,然后把二进制丢到ida里找漏洞点。根据Armis Labs发布的漏洞分析,找到了该漏洞存在于cdpd_poe_handle_pwr_tlvs函数,相关的漏洞代码如下:

    后续仍然是根据Armis Labs漏洞分析文章中的内容,只要在cdp包中增加Power Request和Power Level就能触发cdpd程序crash:








    2.在cdpd_poe_handle_pwr_tlvs函数中,有很多分支都会进入到cdpd_send_pwr_req_to_poed函数,而在该函数中有一个__memcpy_to_buf函数,这个函数限制了Power Requested的长度在40字节以内。这么短的长度,并不够进行溢出利用。所以我们不能进入到会调用该函数的分支。








    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:漏洞分析 | Tags:
  • CVE-2020-3119 Cisco CDP Stack Overflow Analysis


    Author:Hcamael@Knownsec 404 Team 
    Time: March 19, 2020 
    Chinese version:

    The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a link layer protocol used to discover Cisco devices in a LAN.

    Recently, Cisco CDP protocol discovered several loopholes, and picked up stack overflow --cve-2020-3119 to analysis ,Armis labs also published analysis paper.

    Build the Environment

    The CVE-3119 affects Cisco NX-OS system devices, we can find the device version affected by the vulnerability in Cisco Security Center. We can get NX-OS 9.2.3 firmware from Cisco Download Center

    First, I tried to use binwalk to decompress the firmware, but I encountered some problems. Too much xz compressed data in NX-OS firmware, binwalk consumes a lot of time when dealing with firmware in this case.

    I spent two days without decompressing the firmware. But I can't find a substitute result.

    So I decided to find a way to get the firmware up, and I found a software that can perform firmware emulation of Cisco devices -- GNS3.

    How To Use GNS3

    After we download GNS3, we also need to download GNS3 VM. GNS3 VM as GNS3 server, can run directly using virtual machine, and we use GNS3 control server for firmware simulation.

    1.Set GNS3 VM

    2.Create a New Template

    3.Choose Switches -> Cisco NX-OSv 9000

    We find that GNS3 uses qemu to simulate NX-OS, so the firmware we downloaded from the Cisco Download Center requires qcow2 format.

    Then Import the corresponding firmware into GNS3 VM。

    After the import is completed, we can see the newly added device in the switches column.

    4.Connect the NX-OS and Cloud

    In the above image, Toolbox-1 is my newly added ubuntu docker template. At the beginning of research, I connected the Toolbox-1 directly to the NX-OS switch.

    But then I found out that GNS3 has a template called Cloud(For example Cloud1 in the picture above). The Cloud can represent any NIC on the local device or any NIC on the GNS3 VM.

    I have a frequently used ubuntu VM in my Mac. I let the NIC of this ubuntu VM directly connect with the NX-OS switch, this is convenient for my subsequent research.

    In the process of research, we can click this straight line on right, use wireshark capture the network traffic.

    5.Start all nodes

    The last step is to click the start button on the upper toolbar to start all your devices.

    NX-OS Switch Binary Research

    However, The network is not working yet, and you need to log the switch through several port to configure the Switch. GNS3 will forward the serial port of the Switch through telnet by default. We can see the telnet IP/Port through the upper right corner of the GNS3.

    The first time you log in to the switch requires initial setup. After setup, you can log in to the Cisco management shell with the administrator account password you set.

    After research we found that qemu started one bootloader, and bootloader start nxos.9.2.3.bin(NX-OS firmware), this is a Linux System. Then the Linux start a Linux VM called guestshell. Under default circumstances, we can only log into this guestshell.

    The terminal we use to log in through telnet and configuring Cisco Switch is not bash, this program called vsh.bin.

    The vulnerability in this research occurred in a cdpd program, but we can't find the cdpd in guestshell. So we need to find a way to get the terminal of the outer system.

    After subsequent research, it was found that there is a python command in vsh, and this python is an nxpython program that exists in the Cisco outer system. So we can use python to get the Linux shell of the Cisco outer system.

    Then use the mac address to find the NIC you set up in GNS3, and set the IP address. Then we can directly access the terminal of the Cisco outer system through ssh.

    Use Scapy to send CDP packet

    Next we will research how to send cdp packets. You can see the cdp packet format in the analysis released by Armis Labs. Similarly, we can also open the cdp of Cisco Switch and view the cdp packets sent by Cisco Switch.

    Then we can directly capture the packet of the NIC through wireshark or GNS3. Now, We can research the format of the CDP.

    Because I am used to writing PoC using python, I started to study how to use python to send CDP protocol packets, and then I found that scapy has some built-in CDP packet related content.

    Here is a simple example:

    Trigger the vulnerability

    The next step is to research how to trigger the vulnerability. First, scp the cdpd from the switch, and then throw the binary into IDA to find the vulnerability. According to the vulnerability analysis released by Armis Labs, it was found that the vulnerability exists in the cdpd_poe_handle_pwr_tlvs function. The related vulnerability code is as follows:

    The follow-up is still based on the contents of the Armis Labs vulnerability analysis article. As long as the Power Request and Power Level are added to the cdp package, the cdpd program crash can be triggered:

    How to exploit

    First ,look at the protection of the binary program:

    This is a 32-bit program, and only enabled NX and PIE.

    Because the cdpd program cannot interact, it can only send all the payloads at one time, so there is no way to leak the address. But because it is a 32-bit program, and the cdpd program will restart automatically after each crash, so we can blast the cdpd program address.

    There are a few things to note before writing a exploitation script:

    1.After the stack overflow overwrites the return address, it will continue to overwrite the address of the function parameter.

    Because of the above code, a value needs to be written to the address near the a1 address. If we only cover the return address, you cannot achieve the purpose of command execution by only jumping to an address. So our payload needs to overwrite a1 with a writable address.

    2.In the cdpd_poe_handle_pwr_tlvs function, many branches will go to thecdpd_send_pwr_req_to_poed function, and there is a __memcpy_to_buf function in this function. This function limits the length of thePower Requested to less than 40 bytes. Such a short length is not enough for stack overflow. So we cannot go to the branch that will call cdpd_send_pwr_req_to_poed function.

    We need to make this condition evaluate to False and not enter this branch. Therefore, the value of the a1 address to be covered needs to be constructed.

    3.The purpose of our use is not to execute execve("/bin/bash"), because there is no interaction, so even if this command is executed, it is useless. So what can we do? First, we can execute the code of the reverse shell. Second, we can add an Administrator account, such as executing the following command:

    We can achieve these purpose by executing system (cmd). But how to pass the parameters? After research, we found that the contents of the DeviceID related fields in the CDP protocol are stored on the heap, and the heap address is stored on the stack. We can adjust the stack address by ret ROP. This will successfully pass arbitrary parameters to the system function.

    Finally, put a demo video:




    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:技术分享 | Tags:
  • Liferay Portal Json Web Service 反序列化漏洞(CVE-2020-7961)



    之前在CODE WHITE上发布了一篇关于Liferay Portal JSON Web Service RCE的漏洞,之前是小伙伴在处理这个漏洞,后面自己也去看了。Liferay Portal对于JSON Web Service的处理,在6.1、6.2版本中使用的是 Flexjson库,在7版本之后换成了Jodd Json

    总结起来该漏洞就是:Liferay Portal提供了Json Web Service服务,对于某些可以调用的端点,如果某个方法提供的是Object参数类型,那么就能够构造符合Java Beans的可利用恶意类,传递构造好的json反序列化串,Liferay反序列化时会自动调用恶意类的setter方法以及默认构造方法。不过还有一些细节问题,感觉还挺有意思,作者文中那张向上查找图,想着idea也没提供这样方便的功能,应该是自己实现的查找工具,文中分析下Liferay使用JODD反序列化的情况。




    在Test.java中,使用了两种方式,第一种是常用的使用方式,在反序列化时指定根类型(rootType);而第二种官方也不推荐这样使用,存在安全问题,假设某个应用提供了接收JODD Json的地方,并且使用了第二种方式,那么就可以任意指定类型进行反序列化了,不过Liferay这个漏洞给并不是这个原因造成的,它并没有使用setClassMetadataName("class")这种方式。




    Liferay对JODD JsonSerializer的包装是com.liferay.portal.json.JSONSerializerImpl类:

    能看出就是设置了JODD JsonSerializer在序列化时的一些功能。


    Liferay对JODD JsonParser的包装是com.liferay.portal.json.JSONDeserializerImpl类:

    能看出也是设置了JODD JsonParser在反序列化时的一些功能。

    Liferay 漏洞分析

    Liferay在/api/jsonws API提供了几百个可以调用的Webservice,负责处理的该API的Servlet也直接在web.xml中进行了配置:


    看到这个有点感觉了,可以传递参数进行方法调用,有个p_auth是用来验证的,不过反序列化在验证之前,所以那个值对漏洞利用没影响。根据CODE WHITE那篇分析,是存在参数类型为Object的方法参数的,那么猜测可能可以传入任意类型的类。可以先正常的抓包调用去调试下,这里就不写正常的调用调试过程了,简单看一下post参数:



    作者文中提到,Liferay Portal 7中只能显示指定rootType进行调用,从上面Liferay对JODD JSONDeserializerImpl包装来看也是这样。如果要恢复某个方法参数是Object类型时具体的对象,那么Liferay本身可能会先对数据进行解析,获取到指定的类型,然后调用JODD的parse(path,class)方法,传递解析出的具体类型来恢复这个参数对象;也有可能Liferay并没有这样做。不过从作者的分析中可以看出,Liferay确实这样做了。作者查找了jodd.json.Parser#rootType的调用图(羡慕这样的工具):

    通过向上查找的方式,作者找到了可能存在能指定根类型的地方,在com.liferay.portal.jsonwebservice.JSONWebServiceActionImpl#JSONWebServiceActionImpl调用了com.liferay.portal.kernel.JSONFactoryUtil#looseDeserialize(valueString, parameterType), looseDeserialize调用的是JSONSerializerImpl,JSONSerializerImpl调用的是JODD的JsonParse.parse

    com.liferay.portal.jsonwebservice.JSONWebServiceActionImpl#JSONWebServiceActionImpl再往上的调用就是Liferay解析Web Service参数的过程了。它的上一层JSONWebServiceActionImpl#_prepareParameters(Class<?>),JSONWebServiceActionImpl类有个_jsonWebServiceActionParameters属性:




    • Liferay 允许我们通过/api/jsonws/xxx调用Web Service方法
    • 参数可以以+开头,用:指定参数类型
    • JODD JsonParse会调用类的默认构造方法,以及field对应的setter方法








    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:江 | Categories:技术分享漏洞通告 | Tags:
  • 从 0 开始入门 Chrome Ext 安全(番外篇) — ZoomEye Tools


    1.《从 0 开始入门 Chrome Ext 安全(一) -- 了解一个 Chrome Ext》
    2.《从 0 开始入门 Chrome Ext 安全(二) -- 安全的 Chrome Ext》

    在经历了两次对Chrome Ext安全的深入研究之后,这期我们先把Chrome插件安全的问题放下来,这期我们讲一个关于Chrome Ext的番外篇 -- Zoomeye Tools.





    在ZoomEye Tools中,我们主要加入了一下针对ZoomEye的辅助性功能,在设计ZoomEye Tools之前,首先我们需要思考我们需要什么样的功能。




    ZoomEye minitools






    • 用户点击浏览器插件的功能


    • 浏览器插件读取当前ZoomEye页面的内容

    由于popup script没有权限读取页面内容,所以这里我们必须通过chrome.tabs.sendMessage来沟通content script,通过content script来读取页面内容。

    • 解析其中内容并提取其中的内容并按照格式写入剪切板中

    在content script读取到页面内容之后,需要通过sendResponse反馈数据。




    ZoomEye preview

    与minitools的功能不同,要完成ZoomEye preview首先我们遇到的第一个问题是ZoomEye本身的鉴权体系。


    而这个jwt token会在登陆期间内储存在浏览器的local storage中。




    • 用户点击ZoomEye tools插件


    • 插件检查数据之后确认未登录,返回需要登录

    插件将获取储存在chrome.storage的Zoomeye token,然后请求判断登录凭据是否有效。如果无效,则会在popup.html显示need login。并隐藏其他的div窗口。

    • 用户点击按钮跳转登录界面登录



    • 插件获取凭证之后储存

    由于前后端的操作分离,所有bg script需要一个明显的标志来提示需要获取浏览器前端的登录凭证,我把这个标识为定为了当tab变化时,域属于ZoomEye.org且未登录时,这时候bg script会使用chrome.tabs.executeScript来使前端完成获取localStorage并储存进

    这样一来,插件就拿到了最关键的jwt token

    • 用户打开网站之后点击插件


    当用户打开网站之后,为了减少数据加载的等待时间,bg script会直接开始获取数据。

    • 插件通过凭据以及请求的host来获取ZoomEye数据

    后端bg script 通过判断tab状态变化,来启发获取数据的事件,插件会通过前面获得的账号凭据来请求 并解析json,来获取相应的ip数据。

    • 将部分数据反馈到页面中

    当用户点击插件时,popup script会检查当前tab的url和后端全局变量中的数据是否一致,然后通过





    上传插件到chrome store




    Zoomeye Tools 使用全解





    由于Zoomeye Tools提供了两个功能,一个是Zoomeye辅助工具,一个是Zoomeye preview.

    zoomeye 辅助工具



    如果我们选择copy all ip with LF,那么剪切板就是

    如果我们选择copy all url with port

    Zoomeye Preview


    在任意域我们点击右上角的Login Zoomeye,如果你之前登陆过Zoomeye那么会直接自动登录,如果没有登录,则需要在telnet404页面登录。登录完成后等待一会儿就可以加载完成。






    本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:

    作者:叶霖 杨 | Categories:安全研究 | Tags: